Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Most of you have undoubtedly seen the commercial on TV for the P90X program. Multiple times throughout the infommercial you here them repeatedly say something to the effect of using the confusion principle. But what is this confusion principle?

The confusion principle is very simple. The body adapts to what it is commonly exposed to. If you continiously do the same workout you will find yourself at a plateau that you cannot seem to overcome. The confusion principle is just as it would seem it is confusion of the muscles, it always keeps them guessing. By continuely changing the routine your body does not adapt to the stress it continues to gain and becoming stronger.

You don't need to go spend the $100 dollars it cost to get P90X; you can do it on your own from home if you would like. If you are just beginning h owever or are looking for some knew ideas I would recommend taking a good look at it, you won't be disappointed.


  1. I was definately hooked the first time I saw the P90X commercials. But the confusion principle is something I have learned to use in my workouts. I also just get bored doing the same stuff over and over. Ever couple of weeks I will switch to calistetics or strengtch training or muscular endurance. It also helps to keep the fun level up and helps me stay focused on staying fit.

  2. I used P90X! it's how i started losing weight and got hooked on exercise. It honestly does work if you follow the program. I absolutely LOVE the confusion concept and that's also why group exercise classes switch up their choreography and music every few months.

  3. I'm nervous about all the equipment that it might entail getting.
